Seguin Gives Swiss The Shakes

Seguin seems to have found his skates in Switzerland and captured the hearts of many (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

It appears as though Boston’s most eligible bachelor has given Switzerland a case of the shakes as they now offer Tyler Seguin scarves.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, you can now order yourself an HC Biel Tyler Seguin scarf to wear this winter.  Seguin is the first Bruin to have his own “clothing line.” (If you want to call it that.) Personally, I would have thought we would see this from best dressed Bostonian Brad Marchand.

As if having scarves made with your name on it isn’t enough to make your head inflate, they also showcased Seguin on their website for “Interview of the Week,” his first ‘official’ interview with the Swiss.  Here’s a recap of how it went: Continue reading

Seguin and the Swiss

Tyler Seguin excited to be playing in Switzerland (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

The past two weeks have proven to be some many firsts for Bruins forward Tyler Seguin.  It’s his first time playing overseas, his first lockout and his first goal.  Naturally, Seguin takes all of his firsts in stride, careful not to slip up too much aside from a little language barrier mishap in an interview here and there. However, Switzerland was still able to get an interview with the young superstar and here is what he had to say about his time in the country so far: Continue reading