Peverley Back Just in Time: Lockout Reportedly Hours From End

“I’m back; NHL hockey may commence.” And commence is may. (Photo Credit: Sarah Connors/Flickr)

As reported by Matias Strozyk via twitter on January 4, Rich Peverley finished his stint in Finland on Saturday (January 5th).

Peverley added a goal and an assist in his final game Saturday. While 23 points in 27 games in a Finnish league isn’t quite as impressive as Seguin’s numbers in the Swiss league or any number of his locked-out Bruins teammates playing elsewhere in Europe, Peverley is coming off a very strong 2011-2012 season despite missing lengthy periods of time due to multiple injuries.

Although Peverley played in only 57 games, he finished 7th on the Bruins in points. He was one of the most effective Bruins in the frustrating 1st round series against the Capitals, finally hitting his groove while able to stay healthy for a sustained period of time before the team was eliminated. In 7 playoff games, Peverley led the team in scoring with 5 points (2nd was Ference with 4…wow, remember how infuriating that series was? The Bruins sure made Holtby look much better than he is). Peverley also had the most goals for the Bruins in the playoffs with 3. Had he remained healthy all season, he would have had a career year.

As Peverley is set to return back to North America – perhaps he is en route right now – the NHL and NHLPA have been negotiating for hours and are rumored to be almost ready to agree to a new CBA any moment now. According to sources in the media who have been camped outside where the NHL and PA have now been meeting for 16 (!!!) hours straight, there’s lots of good news.

If the NHL lockout ends at the same time Peverley returns to North American soil, I would not call it a coincidence. That’s divine intervention.

Welcome home Raptor Jesus Peverley.


Update: multiple sources (pretty much everyone. Anyone. I can’t even choose one source to link or cite) confirming the lockout is over. I repeat: THE LOCKOUT IS OVER. 

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