Bergeron Homeward Bound

Just after Christmas Patrice Bergeron will be playing for Team Canada in the Spengler Cup Tournament in Switzerland. Bergeron will be joined by Bruins teammate Tyler Seguin for the tourney. After the tournament, Bergeron is reportedly homeward bound to North America  leaving his HC Lugano club.

The current Selke trophy winner has played in 21 games for the Swiss “A” League registering 29 points (11 goals, 18 assists).

Here’s a clip of his first goal for the league:

As you can see, Bergy is still Bergy even overseas. Though I enjoy watching him score goals, I would obviously prefer him to be rocking the black and gold jersey.

Overseas playing aside, it seems as though Bergeron isn’t the only NHL player to be returning to our neck of the woods following the end of December. With Christmas day being the big 100 day of the NHL lockout, players are coming back to wait for a positive or negative solution.

Twitter is a buzz saying that the NHL and NHLPA will hold a face-to-face meeting after Christmas. The next few weeks will determine whether a 48-game regular season can come from this mess of a lock out. As of now games are cancelled up until January 14th. If the rest of the season is officially cancelled after that day, most players will head back to Europe.

Though most of my optimism for a season is gone at this point, I can only hope for a Christmas miracle.

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