Where’s Marchand Hiding?

Brad Marchand extends contract through 2017-2018 (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

Since the NHL has been on hiatus we have heard numerous things about Tyler Seguin and Patrice Bergeron and their success overseas.  We have heard about Milan Lucic and Shawn Thornton staying in Boston and practicing at local colleges. However, there is one guy we haven’t heard a peep out of and it’s really strange.  How is it that the little ball of hate Brad Marchand has managed to stay out of the press through the past 66 days!? Granted, you can let your mind run wild with this one, instantly my mind went to sober binge and rehab then jumped to moose hunting in the Rockies to losing his athletic physique and is now embarrassed to take his shirt off so no one recognizes him anymore.

However, recently Marchand launched a new website, self-titled bradmarchand.com.  While it isn’t an autobiographical reinvention of himself like AHL affiliate’s Bobby Robins, it has its’ perks.  For instance, at the beginning of this month Brad posted about the lockout and how it’s a ‘drag.’ Yup, that sounds about like Marchy.  To quote him:

“The lockout has been a drag for everybody.  The guys I’ve talked to all wish we were back playing, it;s weird not playing real games at this time of the year. I’ve been skating with a good group of guys, ready for when we get the call saying the lockout is over.” (via Brad Marchand)

So what has he been doing in all of his spare time? He’s been spending some time with his family that he wouldn’t normally be able to and attending his brother;s games.   He has participated in charity golf tournaments and gone hunting a few times.  He’s able to do the things his profession take away from him, so in one sense he is happy.

He goes on to discuss how he was Thor and took little kids trick or treating and mentions having to watch what he ate so as not to get out of shape. (I guess my theory wasn’t too far off.)

If you want to stay in the know as to Marchand’s whereabouts, you can regularly check in with his site.  Make sure you hit him up with a question or two in the ‘Fan Zone‘ section too, he assures he will answer them all…eventually. If you want to see him he is scheduled to be in Providence for an autograph session, for more details check here.

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