From BU to the Boston Bruins

Justin Courtnall trades in college hockey for the Boston Bruins (Credit:Flickr/Bart Hanlon)

As I posted earlier this summer , there were a few players from Hockey East schools tat made their way to the Bruins development camp. Now it’s being reported by Scott McLaughlin of College Hockey News that one of them has traded in their senior year of college hockey for a chance to play for the Black and Gold.

You may remember Boston University alternate captainJustin Courtnallwho was invited to partake in the Bruins developement camp back in July. If his last name sounds familiar, it should be. Courtnall is the son of  Geoff Courtnall, who was signed by the Bruins and played for them from ’83 to ’88. His uncle is Russ Courtnall, yet another NHL player so it’s safe to say Justin grew up around hockey.

Anyway, Courtnall signed an entry level contract with the Bruins today meaning his time at BU is over. In three seasons with the Terriers, Courtnall recorded 7 goals and 6 assists in 92 games.

This contract might surprise some considering right now the NHL is in a not so pleasant labor dispute and everyday the idea of a lock out seems more evident.

Here’s a look at Courtnall in action scoring a shoot out goal in a Tampa Bay Lightning Development Camp:

What the future holds for the NHL right now is unknown but for now welcome to the Boston Bruins organization Justin!

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