Daily Countdown: 113 Days

Benoit Pouliot (Photo Credit: Lisa Gansky/Flickr)

Today marks yet another day closer to the 2012-2013 Boston Bruins season. While we already know that Gregory Campbell, Chris Kelly and Daniel Paille will be back, there has been no word on forward Benoit Pouliot. Today’s countdown is going to be a prayed circle for pou-bear, in hopes that he too will be back in Boston for the coming season. In case you need a few reasons as to why we want Benny back, take a look at the videos below:


If that isn’t good enough for you to want to keep him around, how about you give this one a watch:

Not to mention, Pouliot’s statistics were career-best for him being in Boston, Julien was able to get more out of Pouliot than both Minnesota and Montreal. That has to stand for something. So come on Bruins fans, send your thoughts Pouliot’s way in hopes that we will see him next season as one of the top nine forwards.

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