Getting to Know Pou-Bear

Benoit Pouliot (Photo Credit: Lisa Gansky/Flickr)

As a new ‘series’ on the official Bruins website, reporter John Bishop, asks Twitter followers to send in questions using #AskTheBs for a brief interview with a player of Bishop’s choice. This week, the player being interviewed was forward Benoit Pouliot.

Taking a look at some of the questions, I had to chuckle to myself as I read them. Here is a look at some of the ‘best.’



While these were not two of the questions picked to be answered, they deserved to be recognized. Below is a quick recap based on the questions asked and Pouliot’s answers:

@JeVeuxJouer: When you get angry on the ice do you chirp/yell in French, English or both?

“Mostly French, usually when I come back to the bench and I have a tough shift or whatever it’s always in french. I think the guys know I’m pretty rattled when I start yelling in French.”

@aliciaHernand3z: Was it difficult transitioning to the other side of the Boston/Montreal rivalry?

“Not that bad, no, it’s been pretty easy. Obviously everyone knows Boston/Montreal is a pretty big one in the NHL for rivalry but ever since I got here I’ve felt comfortable and the guys really put me in there and made it easy for me. Its always nice to play the Canadiens there or in Boston and just seeing how it is.”

@heyitskenisha: What’s it like having your hair being so popular? Are you going to get it insured?

“I’m thinking about it I don’t know if I should or not, I found that out this year that something was going onwith my hair, I’m thinking about growing it back and going back with the flow if so many people like it why not. I might go back all summer long let it grow and show up at camp with the flow.”

@brooksiebruin19: Do you have a pregame ritual for the playoffs?(Yup, that’s yours truly!)

“Nope, not really I’m pretty, it’s pretty much the same all year long, even though I dont follow it that much, if it’s not the same thing, I’m not superstitious that much, all year long it’s the same thing I think its’ just try not to mess it up but even if I do, try not get into my own head too much.”

@kristenalty19:What’s the best prank that’s been pulled this season?

“Oh man there’s a lot of them, all of them rely around Marshy for some reason. One time at the practice rink Marshy showed up with new shoes and after practice they disappeared.  No one knew where they were. I’m not going to say who it was, Gregory Campbell, but uh, he found out I think a week later. We had that Christmas thing going on at the mall and he showed up in the shower sandals that we use and it was the middle of winter so it was probably pretty cold. And I’m not going to say who it was Soupy, but uh, I think that was the first time he was really rattled.”

@kicksavista:Your current line’s produced almost from the start. What have you gotten out of playing w/ Kelly and Rolston?

“A lot. I think I’ve learned a lot from Kells all year long I’ve been with him hes been in the League for a long time and he has been through it last year with the Bruinsa while and especially with the Bruins. and then we acquired Rolly at the deadline and he has been producing since he got here. Playing with older guys, Rolly, h’es got 1200 games in the league and I think for a younger guy like me it helps a lot playing with the older guys. They talk a lot and there’s some messing around, but there’s times when you know you have to be serious but it’s been great.”

So there you have it, Pouliot is planning on growing the flow back to surprise everyone in training camp next season, I for one will be keeping tabs on the status of this. To watch the actual video, check here.




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