Holding on by a Point

The Bruins need to find their focus ASAP (Credit: Slidingsideways/Flickr)

Last night was the fourth loss in a row for the Boston Bruins who are now 1 point ahead of the Ottawa Senators in the Northeast division. The team they lost too in a 6-2 game, the Florida Panthers, are now 2 points below them in the Eastern conference. The Bruins are frustrated,  injured, and tired but those are excuses. Teams have slumps sure, but this slump has been going on since January. Last night was no exception. It was once again a game that started with the other team scoring the first two goals of the game. In the past two games, the other team has scored 12 goals to the Bruins scoring 3. It seems to be a repeating trend of the opposing team turning up the energy while the B’s sit back and let it happen.

“It was basically a whole team collapse tonight,” said Julien in a sentence that could sum up the last two months. “We do have some guys that are tired, and we have some guys that aren’t playing up to par. We’ve got lots of games and we have to fight our way through it. You can’t throw your arms up in the air. You’ve got to fight through it.”(Via CSNNE)

So what needs to change in order for the team to get back on track? Well for starters WHERE IS OUR DEFENSE? There is only so much of the blame that can be put on the lack luster goal tending but if our D was doing it’s job the other team shouldn’t have as many shots on net. The energy on this team is just not there. The physicality on the team is just not there. Everyone should be getting shots on net, not just one line of players. At this point, watching the games feels like I’m watching a completely different team.

I do have one positive and that is that the lone two goals last night came from Joe Corvo and Brian Rolston, yeah you read that right. Those names are usually ones that are referenced with goal scoring but it’s good to see some people attempting to pick up the slack.

Tomorrow the Bruins face off against the Philadelphia Flyers in a game that I am hoping will not be a fifth straight loss. The day off today I hope is serving the team well. B’s fans I guess all we can do right now is pray that Ottawa and Florida find themselves in slumps…

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