Seguin Says . . .

Tyler Seguin answered questions for fans tonight at 7pm (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

Tonight at 7:00pm EST Dunkin Donuts provided an online UStream chat on their Facebook page where you could get to know Tyler Seguin and ask him questions. Granted, there were a lot of “Will you marry me” questions asked along with “can you give a shout out to so and so,” but there were also some very informative questions asked.

Here is a recap of what was asked and Tyler’s responses:

What is your favorite restaurant to eat at in Boston?

Strega Waterfront, I go there a lot.

What is your pre-game playlist? 

I listen to a lot of Theory of a Deadman. Prior to a game I like more competitive stuff. Aside from that rap and stuff you can dance to, music you can get pumped up with. I like to keep up with music that I’ve just heard of, stay on top of it, what’s new.

Do you follow any other sports aside from Hockey?

Lacrosse. Basically just the highlights to keep updated.

How much do your fans mean to you?

Fans mean the world, they’re the reason we have a job whether it’s an online chat, in person, charity events, it’s great to interact with them. Boston fans are different, they’re great. For instance after we won the Cup back home people would come up to me and be like, you know, ‘Congratulations’ and when I came back here fans would stop me on the street or in restaurants and say, ‘Thank you.’ You know, it’s really great.

Who is your favorite past Bruin?

Obviously it’s uh, Cam Neely or the great, Bobby Orr.

When you’re not playing hockey, what do you like to do?

I’m a big movie fan. Me and ‘Soupy'(Gregory Campbell) just saw The Vow, we had been talking about how we wanted to see it and it was a really good movie. Kind of a sappy side to us.

How did you get started playing hockey?

I started playing because my dad used to play, you know, for University of Vermont. My mom used to play, she still does sometimes, dad wants to get back into it and both my little sisters play.

What was it like when you got drafted?

Really hot.(smiles) Kind of like right now actually, lots of lights in your face all of the time, but it was incredible. A day I will remember for the rest of my life.

Do you remember how you felt?

I will always remember that feeling, you now with the first pick and hearing Taylor Hall’s name. Then Boston is up and your stomach is in knots, not knowing what’s going on, you know with your future. There’s notes on paper and things like that, but you don’t know what’s going on.

Why do you call Krejci ‘french fry’?

(laughs) It’s an inside joke, when he tries to say ‘franchise’ it sounds like french fry and it’s just kind of stuck. Like, when I get a massage he’ll come up and say “Get off the table franchise,” and I’ll just look at him and go “french fries?”

What is your favorite doughnut?

Filled ones, you know strawberry. That’s all I’ve ever really eaten. As for breakfast food, eggs. Especially since I just learned how to make them, I just had some before I came actually, me and my buddy.

Who is the funniest guy on the team?

Daniel Paille. He’s funny because he has no idea how funny he really is, he doesn’t even know he’s being funny most of the time. It could be that he’s racking his head off the wall during pre-game soccer or something.

What was it like being named to the All-Star Team?

It was great being among people that, 2-3 years ago were my idols, that I looked up to and I was able to talk to them and they all knew my name. It was special.

If you weren’t in the NHL what would you be doing?

I would be a professional lacrosse player, NLL. I was fifteen and I was still debating between the two sports.

Best advice for kids who would like to play professional hockey?

That’s really tough, there’s never really an answer to that. Uhm, I guess at the end of the day, just have fun. You know with going pro, there are a lot of sacrifices, don’t take it for granted.

When did you know you wanted to play hockey?

It was a dream my whole life, I guess I really ‘decided’ when I sat down with my coach from Plymouth and  talked with him about it, it became more of a goal. I realized it could really happen and it was more of a commitment that I was driven to get. I realized that it was something i could do for the rest of my life.

Do you like watching other Boston sports teams?

Yeah, absolutely I mean we get to interact with each other through charities and build a relationship with them so , i mean we want to see them succeed.

What is your favorite part of the game?

Scoring a goal. Hearing fans cheer. Bringing people that you don’t even know to the edge of their seats, standing up, it’s a feeling that makes you feel very happy.

Can you sense the fans on the ice?

Yeah, like when I’m at the red line and going in, the volume changes. You know, coming in to the zone you can feel the volume change, a lot of times you notice it.

Do you remember your signs, what are your favorites?

Yeah, there have been a lot of great signs and drawings. Uhm, some of them I uh, can’t say on here. I’ve never gotten such a reception for my birthday, so thank you anyone who had a part in that.

What is your favorite television show?

I’m actually always on my computer, I never watch the t.v. because there’s a lot of travelling. Right now it’s 90210. I’ve finished Sons of Anarchy, Walking Dead, True Blood, and some girly show, I can’t remember, uhm, Pretty Little Liars. That’s my more feminine side. I’ve also seen some Jersey Shore too.

What is your workout routine?

Only after home games, usually I rotate and go every other day. One game I’ll work on the upper body, the next home game I’ll do lower body. Since we’ve been on the road, yesterday I worked on both upper and lower. Usually I try and get 99-10 hours of sleep on a game day and on off days, I like to be, you know a normal teenager, sleeping in until 12,1,2 in the afternoon.

Actually, going back to a previous question, the one before, I just before i came here, me and my buddy were watching Goon, it comes out in theaters in a couple of days. It’s really funny and a good movie. Favorite hockey movie is Youngblood, but I’ve seen all of them.

So there you have it. That’s everything you missed out on tonight with Tyler Seguin. Keep an eye out for more opportunities to get your questions to him by visiting Dunkin Donuts on Facebook.


Boychuk Back Sooner Than Expected?

Johnny Boychuk is on his way back into the lineup (Credit:Slidingsideways/Flickr)

When Chris Neil of the Ottawa Senators completely laid out Johnny Boychuk Saturday in Ottawa, it didn’t look pretty. Boychuk suffered a mild concussion from that hit and didn’t play last night in Boston and hasn’t practiced with the team since Saturday. Today it seems that things are looking up as Boychuk was at Ristuccia today.Coach Claude Julien confirmed that Johnny B did skate today. reported that Boychuk passed a stationary bike test on Tuesday that is designed to elevate heart rate. It seems as though things are moving forward for the 29-year-old defenseman and that he could be back in the game a lot sooner than some thought.

“Julien said that the B’s are dealing with Boychuk’s injury as if it was a concussion, but ‘He’s feeling better so we’re moving forward'”. (Via NHLBruins Twitter)

It’s safe to say that Boychuk probably won’t play Thursday against the New Jersey Devils in order to make sure he’s100% but it does look like he’ll be back within the next week.

In the meantime, Boychuk’s absence opens up opportunity for the new players Mike Mottau and Greg Zanon to make it into the lineup.

Every Streak Comes to an End…

Shawn Thornton is back to his usual antics (Credit:Slidingsideways/Flickr)

Unfortunately it just had to be against a team that WAS three points behind us in the Northeast Divison (now one point). Until tonight, the last time the Ottawa Senators beat the Boston Bruins was November 13th, 2010. Oh yeah and we were 4-0 against them this season. But things change and streaks need to end and well this game was frustrating. Not only did they lose, but they were shutout by one point. For a play by play account look here but I’m going to break it down by my random thought process.

First and Second Period Sucked:
I’m sorry but they were. Coach Claude Julien agreed and said in a post game interview:

“Those first two periods were painful to watch …picked it up in the third” (Via NHLBruins).

In the first two periods, the Bruins only managed to get 15 shots on net while the Senators had 32. Those first forty minute were just lackluster and to be honest it really didn’t look like there was anything going in any of the players heads. Four of the seven points in the first were from the Bergeron line. If that’s not a clear indication for why the rest of the team needs to step up I’m not sure what is.

Were the New Guys Supposed to Save the Day?
Brian Rolston and Mike Mottau aka our newest players really didn’t make much of an impact despite having a decent amount of playing time. In fact Rolston got a penalty. In his defense it was a pretty lame call by the referees but still. I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt on this one because they are new. However, this benefit will probably only last til the next game because I’m aggravated.

Is Flu Season Over Yet?
Not yet but it is for Shawn Thornton. Thornton skated with his usually aggression which was well needed through out the game. He had a few decent scoring chances in the second and third periods but unfortunately just couldn’t connect. I also really enjoyed watching Thornton have a few words with Kyle Turris. In care you aren’t familiar, Turris is the player Joe Corvo said he was going to fight because of the hit he laid on Corvo last weekend. Which leads me too…

Whimp Out Much?!
Despite Corvo saying he was going to seek revenge upon Turris, the game says other wise. I have never seen someone make so much of an effort to not man up before. I’m wondering if the coaches had anything to do with this. But then again, Corvo really isn’t one to get into a fight. Regardless if there is one thing I hate in life in general is backtrackers. If you say something DO IT! (This could also be me really enjoy hockey fights)

Thank God February is Over!!!
February over all was not a good month to be a Boston Bruins…or a fan of the B’s for that matter. The team finished this month with a 5-8 record and were shut out five times. Injuries, and illness are really just excuses for a team that needs to figure out how to be…wait for it..CONSISTENT!

The Bruins are off tomorrow but return on Thursday against the New Jersey Devils. Lets just hope that these kinks get worked out ASAP!

Live Blogging: Senators @ Bruins 7pm

Tyler Seguin and Tim Thomas (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

Tonight marks the 111th time these two teams will be meeting. The Bruins are looking to pick up their 5th straight win against the Senators this season and distance themselves more in the Division.

Tonight’s Goaltenders: Tim Thomas(BOS) and Robin Lehner(OTT)

Boston Scratches: Greg Zanon(healthy) Johnny Boychuk(mild concussion) Nathan Horton(concussion) Rich Peverley(MCL sprain)Max Sauve(healthy)

Ottawa Scratches: Carkner, Daugavins

Starting Lineup: Brad Marchand-Patrice Bergeron-Tyler Seguin-Zdeno Chara-Andrew Ference

Continue reading

B’s Looking To Stay On Top

Thomas gets the nod in net tonight against the Senators. (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

Tonight the Boston Bruins take on the Ottawa Senators for the fifth and final time in the regular season. The last time these two teams met up was Saturday night with the Bruins taking a 5-3 victory for their fourth this season against the Division rivals. Tonight the Bruins are expected to be without defenseman Johnny Boychuk who suffers from a mild concussion after a legal hit sustained by Chris Neil on Saturday. While defenseman Zdeno Chara stepped up and defended his partner, Joe Corvo had some choice words for his offender after Monday’s practice:

“Hopefully he’s a man and he’ll step up when I come after him,” said Corvo, “I’m not going to try and hurt him, but I want to fight him.”(via NESN)

Early in the third period of Saturday’s  game Kyle Turris left his feet and planted a huge hit to the head of Joe Corvo, sending him to the ice cradling his head. Turris received a two-minute boarding penalty and no suspension from the League, outraging Corvo even more.

Today the defenseman seems to have calmed down a little bit, stating he put his “individual priorities over team priorities.”

Regardless Turris seemed un-threatened by the comments from Corvo and claimed:

“It’s just another game…You’ve always got to defend yourself on the ice and in certain situations,” Turris said. “If I have to defend myself, I have to defend myself.”(via NESN)

While Boychuk is out of the line-up, forward Shawn Thornton is expected to play tonight after missing the last game with flu-like symptoms. Along with Thornton, Mike Mottau and Brian Rolston are looking to make their debuts as Bruins tonight and are both excited to play.

“It’s a thrill to be here, to be back…Couldn’t be happier that this team picked me up…the right fit.” said the former Bruin Brian Rolston, who has known Tim Thomas since they played together at age 6. (via @NHLBruins)

Greg Zanon arrived in Boston after this morning’s practice and reportedly will not be playing in tonight’s game. Instead the Bruins have recalled forward Max Sauve from Providence, after being bounced back and forth yesterday, for an emergency-basis.He did practice with the team this morning and is available for game-time should the Bruins need him.

The Ottawa Senators are looking to have Zenon Konopka back in their line-up, who is leading the League with 17 fighting majors. We can expect some heavy fisticuffs to be thrown around tonight, with both him and Thornton being present.

Tonight’s goaltenders are Tim Thomas for the Bruins, sporting 8-3-0 in his last 11 starts, including a 5-3 victory over the Senators. On the other side of the ice, starring in his third game for the Sens is Robin Lehner. Lehner was an emergency call-up for Sunday’s game against the New York Islanders on Sunday and helped bring them a victory pulling them within three points of Boston in the Division.

Tonight the players to watch for the Senators are going to be the always present Jason Spezza who has 8 goals and 12 assists in 9 games, two of which came from Saturday’s game against the Bruins.  Erik Karlsson is also on a point streak with 6 goals and 11 assists in 7 games. Daniel Alfredsson also poses a threat to Boston, proving on Saturday that he can confidently put the puck in the back of the net from seemingly anywhere on the ice, making two bad angle shots off the boards against Thomas that sliced through the Bruins lead late in the third.

While Zdeno Chara‘s efforts in the third period Saturday were understandable, the big defenseman is going to have to remain out of the box tonight if the Bruins plan on coming up with another victory. With Chara’s absence along with Boychuk’s in the third it was painfully obvious the defense was hurt. Had Chara been on the ice, it is questionable as to whether or not Alfredsson would have scored both of his goals.

For the Bruins look for forwards Brad Marchand and Patrice Bergeron to shine. Bergeron has 4 goals and 5 assists in his last 11 contests, while Brad leads the team in goals and sports 6 goals and 5 assists in his last 15. In scoring his 22nd goal on Saturday, Brad set a new career season-high for himself.

The projected lines for tonight are:

Brad Marchand-Patrice Bergeron-Tyler Seguin

Milan Lucic-Chris Kelly-David Krejci

Jordan Caron-Brian Rolston-Benoit Pouliot

Daniel Paille- Gregory Campbell- Shawn Thornton

Defensive pairings without Boychuk and Zanon:

Zdeno Chara – Andrew Ference

Dennis Seidenberg – Joe Corvo

Mike Mottau – Adam McQuaid

Tonight’s game is at 7:00pm EST on the New England Sports Network(NESN).


Fun Facts:

Joe Corvo is two assists shy of his 200th NHL assist.

Milan Lucic is five points shy of his 200th career point.

Information provided by the Game Notes (PDF)


Practice Predictions: New Players, New Lines

Brian Rolston trades in his blue and orange for black and gold (Credit: Robert Kowal/Flickr)

The Boston Bruins had their morning skate this am as they look to return home tonight to face off against the Ottawa Senators. While a few familiar faces are out with injuries, a few new faces have joined after yesterdays trade deadline. Mike Mottau, formerly of the New York Islanders, took to the Bruins ice for the first time today. Another player did too but he’s quite familiar in Boston and on home ice and that’s Brian Rolston. Max Sauve of the Providence Bruins was also on the ice today as he was emergency recalled from Providence today.

If you were paying attention to the draft yesterday then you should be wondering where the hell Greg Zanon was for practice. Well, Zanon (formerly of the Minnesota Wild) missed the morning session as he was traveling in from Minnesota. Coach Claude Julien said that Zanon will not play until he skates in a practice with the team (CSNNE).

Shawn Thornton was also on the ice today, and Julien says it’s expected he will play tonight. Mottau took the place of Johnny Boychuk on the defensive pairing and joined Adam McQuaid. Meanwhile, Brian Rolston centered Benoit Pouliot and Jordan Caron.

Though the Bruins have been plagued with injuries and illness as of late it seems as though things are looking up.

“We’ve run into some injuries lately and it’s been a challenge to keep our lineup going in the right direction. Now there’s some breathing room as far as putting guys in that have been around for a while.”(Via CSNNE)

Mottau and Rolston led the final stretch this AM and it looks as thought Tim Thomas will get the start as he was first off the ice.





Tyler Seguin (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)


Seguin gets dealt for Nash

Rich Nash was a wanted man today for the trade deadline and the Bruins finally capitalized on gaining the high-priced player.

Speculation has it that the Bruins Tyler Seguin is being traded for Columbus Blue Jackets Rick Nash!! Yes, you read that correctly, Seguin is being dealt to Columbus to boost the morale(and possibly his ego more) while Nash will shine here in Boston. It seems as though Seguin has been proposed to by every Bostonian female and needs to see the other fish in the sea.

Seguin leaves Boston with 20 goals and 28 assists, becoming the leading scorer for the Blue Jackets! Congratulations Tyler and we look forward to seeing you, er, succeed?

DISCLAIMER: This post is strictly for humor purposes only. None of the information provided here is factual. Seguin is staying with Boston and Columbus is still daydreaming of big money for Nash.


Bring ‘Em To Boston

Brian Rolston comes back to Boston (Photo Credit: hcreegan/Flickr)

With Rich Peverley and Nathan Horton being sideline with injuries and Johnny Boychuk now being listed day-to-day with a ‘mild concussion,’ Bruins GM Peter Chiarelli had some shoes to fill coming down to the wire of Monday’s trade deadline.

With the Bruins acquiring Mike Mottau, Brian Rolston and Greg Zonan; Andrew Bodnarchuk and Max Sauve have been sent back down to Providence to make room for the new guys on the roster.

Mike Mottau, formerly of the New York Islanders will be wearing the #27. Mottau is a 6 foot 190lb left-shot defenseman, as well as a Quincy, Massachusetts native. According to Chiarelli, he ” keeps “a good gap” for a player his size.”

“I always said I’d take a puck in the teeth for the Bruins, now I have a chance to do that.” Mottau on coming to Boston.(via @NHLBruins)

Brian Rolston is a former Bruins who will be wearing the jersey associated with #12. Rolston previously played for Boston during the PJ Axelsson era from 2001-2004 registering 86 goals and 131 assists.

“We’ve added some veteran depth to our lineup, specifically on Rolston, he’s a guy most of you are familiar with,” said Chiarelli. “Hasn’t had a great year, but I feel he’s a motivated player…[who] can really skate, and he’ll add to our depth and versatility.”(via Boston Bruins news)

Rolston on playing for the B’s organization again:

“I’m super excited…it shouldn’t take me long to adjust to the way Bruins like to play…Obviously, the Bruins have a few injuries right now. I’m hoping to go in and I’m planning on playing tomorrow night.”(via @NHLBruins)

While Rolston and Mottau came from the New York Islanders, one player came from the Minnesota Wild in exchange for defenseman Steven Kampfer. In exchange for Kampfer, who only played in a dozen games combined this season between Boston and Providence, the Bruins took on Greg Zanon. Zanon is currently the second ranked blocked shots player in the League and is known for his shot and grit as a player.(Sounds like a Bruin, right?)

“Zanon is a terrific shot blocker, he’s a real gritty competitor. He’s a warrior type defenseman, so now we have eight defensemen in the mix now and we’ve added the forward so we’ve improved our forward [depth]. We’ll wait and see what happens with our two forwards that are currently injured right now.”(via Bruins News)

Zanon, who will be wearing #6, on coming to Boston for the first time:

“I’m very excited to be a part of the Boston Bruins…with where they’re sitting for playoffs and hopefully making another run at the Cup…Any time you can come to an Original Six team in this league it’s a big deal and I’m really honored to have the opportunity to play.”(via @NHLBruins)

All three acquisitions sound excited and ready to suit up for Boston in tomorrow night’s match against the Ottawa Senators.

“They’re excited and they want to win,” said Chiarelli. “They say what I want to hear when I call them when you acquire them in a trade. We won last year and we want to try and win again,” continued the GM. “It’s plain and in it’s in front of them and I feel that they are all motivated.”(via Bruins News)


Bruins Down, P-Bruins Up


Will Max Sauve Make his NHL debut tomorrow? (Credit: Teka England/Flickr)

Forward Shawn Thornton and  Defenseman Johnny Boychuk were noticeably absent from practice back in Wilmington today. After practice it was revealed that Boychuk is still feeling “concussion symptoms” and that both him and Thornton are day-to-day (via NHLBruins ). With two prime players down, the team had to look towards the Providence Bruins to call up two players.

The first is defenseman Andrew Bodnarchuk who as you might recall was sent back to Providence yesterday after the 11 day roadtrip and played with the team. Bodnarchuk was a healthy scratch for all six games on the roadtrip but with Boychuk out and a game against the Senators tomorrow, it looks as though his presence might be necessary.This season Bodnarchuk has played in 47 games in Providence and had registered 4 goals and 7 assists.

The second player is forward Max Sauve. This is Sauve’s first career recall.Sauve was drafted by the B’s in 2008 and this will be his first shot to play at the TD Garden. In 26 games this season, he has scored 6 goals and 7 assists. This is the 22 year old’s third season in Providence.

With a trade deadline on the horizon, it’ll be interesting to see if the Bruins add any players to the roster. Tomorrow we’ll know for sure if Bodnarchuk or Sauve will make the lineup. With all the injuries hindering the B’s, it makes sense why they’re choosing to use players in the system, but I can’t help but wonder if a big deal is coming up.

Just as soon as Bodnarchuk and Sauve were called up, they were sent back to Providence to make room for some new players on the roster!! POST COMING SOON!

Drafted by Boston 47th overall in round two of 2008 NHL Entry Draft.

Drafted by Boston 47th overall in round two of 2008 NHL Entry Draft.

Talk of the Trade

Bruins have until 3pm to make a decision on who they will add to the Bruins roster for the playoff run. (Photo Credit: Steph Phillips)

The Bruins have until 3pm today to make some heavy decisions as they look for a forward and a defenseman to add to their roster.

Rick Nash is the hottest guy on the market right now playing for the worst team in the League. He has managed to post 43 points in 62 games, but is way too pricey for the Bruins. While he is expected to be out of Columbus by the end of the day, his new home won’t be in Boston.

In the past couple of days there have been some more realistic trade rumors, most coming from the Colorado end of things. The Bruins could potentially end up with Daniel Winnik, a forward that wouldn’t cost very much. Winnik has 5 goals and 13 assists in 65 games played this year and is sporting a -11. Perhaps he would make a good rental player for the play-offs?

T.J. Galiardi, the center from Colorado, he’s young, good and back in ’09 showed some talent (15 goals 24 assists in 70 games). He isn’t sporting a  big price tag either. This year he has posted 8 goals and 6 assists in 55 games.

Third time is a charm, right? The third player in question for Boston(from Colorado) is David Jones, a younger player who is also talented. He is a 9th rounder who packs a punch 27 goals and 18 assists in 77 games back in 2010. Last season his stats took a hit, but they looked good for the amount of games played (53 games— 15 goals 13 assists).

Outside of Colorado there are a few players in speculation, such as  Samuel Pahlsson, ex-bruin (involved in Ray Bourque trade), a bit older yet a good utility player.Pahlsson won a ring with Shawn Thornton in Anaheim in 2006-07. Pahlsson is a left-shot center who would be a bottom-six forward for the B’s, he won’t score a lot of points, but he’ll give 100%.

While he may be a little out of reach, being the Islanders ONLY reliable player as of late, P.A. Parenteau would be a good fit for the Bruins. The Islanders announced this morning that they are seeking offers for the forward. Parenteau has posted 56 points in 61 games and is having a breakout season. He could be just what we need coming into the playoffs, a goal scorer and opportunist who can also place a heavy hit. Sounds like a Bruins player, right?

According to a source close to Nathan Horton that talked to ESPN’s Murphy(@MurphysLaw74), he is a “ways away” from returning. This could budge Chiarelli to move a roster player knowing Horton isn’t probable for the playoff run.

Maybe this means Chiarelli can spring Joe Corvo, Carter Camper and a 3rd round pick for Evgeni Malkin, making this Bruins fan the happiest fan in the world. (I would die and go to heaven)

NESN reports the B’s are interested in Johnny Oduya. The Jets defenseman has two goals and 11 helpers to go with a minus-9 in 63 games. Last year, he had 17 points (two goals) and a minus-15 in 82 games—-has been sent to Chicago. Bruins still looking to pick up a forward. 


JOHNNY BOYCHUK UPDATE:: He is listed as day-to-day with ‘concussion like symptoms’ 

Bruins acquire Brian Rolston and Mike Mottau from the Islanders!! Welcome back Rolston!

Bruins trade Steve Kampfer for Greg Zanon.

**We will keep this post updated with ANY new information regarding the trade deadline and post it to our Facebook and Twitter account to make sure you, our readers, stay informed.